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- Amplitude And Compression: Envelope Effects - Adobe Audition CS6 [Video]


By automating mixes, you can change mix settings over time. For example, you can automatically increase volume during a critical musical passage and later reduce the volume in a gradual fade out. See this video tutorial to watch mix automation in action. Automation envelopes visually indicate settings at specific points in time, and you can edit them by dragging keyframes on envelope lines.

On stereo tracks, clip volume and pan envelopes appear by default; you can identify them by color and initial position. Volume envelopes are yellow lines initially placed across the upper half of clips. Pan envelopes are blue lines initially placed in the center. With pan envelopes, the top of a clip represents full left, while the bottom represents full right.

Clip envelopes are visible by default, but if they interfere with editing or are visually distracting, you can hide them. In the upper-right corner of a clip, click the parameter menu, and select a Rack mixing option or an effect parameter.

In the menu, visible parameters appear with checkmarks. Select a parameter again to hide it. With track envelopes, you can change volume, pan, and effect settings over time. Adobe Audition displays track envelopes in an automation lane below each track.

Each automated parameter has its own envelope, which you edit just like clip envelopes. In Editor panel, click the triangle to the left of the Track Automation Mode menu for the track you want to automate. The menu is set to Read by default. While playing a session, you can record adjustments you make to track volume, pan, and effect settings, creating a mix that dynamically evolves over time.

Adobe Audition automatically converts your adjustments into track envelopes, which you can edit with precision. With an external controller such as the Mackie Control, you can adjust multiple settings simultaneously.

See Control surface support. If recorded keyframes are too numerous or irregular, see Optimize recorded automation. Ignores track envelopes during playback and mixdown, but continues to display envelopes so you can manually add or adjust keyframes. You can preview such changes, but keyframes return to recorded settings. When playback starts, overwrites existing keyframes with current settings. Continues to record new settings until playback stops.

Begins recording keyframes when you first adjust a setting, and continues to record new settings until playback stops. Similar to Latch, but gradually returns settings to previously recorded values when you stop adjusting them.

Use Touch to overwrite specific sections of automation while leaving others intact. When recording automation, you may want to protect certain parameters from inadvertent changes, while adjusting other parameters.

To prevent recorded automation from creating excessive or irregular keyframes, optimize the following settings in Multitrack section of the Preferences dialog box. Automatch Time. Determines how fast parameters return to original values in the Touch mode. You can set values from 0. Linear Edit Point Thinning. Minimum Time Interval Thinning. Creates keyframes at time intervals larger than the specified value. Enter an interval between 1 and milliseconds in the Minimum Time field. Keyframes on envelope lines change clip and track parameters over time.

Adobe Audition automatically calculates, or interpolates , all the intermediate values between keyframes using one of two transition methods:. Hold transitions create an abrupt change in value at each new keyframe. Linear transitions create a gradual, even change between keyframes. You can also apply spline curves to an entire envelope, overriding the keyframe-specific setting above to create natural-sounding transitions that change in speed near keyframes.

See About spline curves for graphs. Hold B. Linear the default C. Spline curves. Position the pointer over an envelope line. When a plus sign appears, click. Then click the Add Keyframe icon in the track controls.

In the Editor panel, choose a parameter from the Select menu near the bottom of the track controls. Click the Previous Keyframe or Next Keyframe icon. To reposition selected keyframes, drag them. To maintain time position or parameter value, hold down Shift and drag. To reposition a segment of an envelope without creating a keyframe, hold down Ctrl Windows or Command Mac OS , and drag.

Right-click on a keyframe to open the context menu on a track automation envelope or a clip automation envelope in a Multitrack Session, and choose Edit Keyframe. A dialogue box will appear. Enter in a time value and a parameter value for the particular keyframe. Legal Notices Online Privacy Policy. Buy now. User Guide Cancel.

Automating clip settings. With clip envelopes, you can automate clip volume, pan, and effect settings. On mono and 5.

Show or hide clip envelopes. From the View menu, choose any of the following:. Show Clip Volume Envelopes. Show Clip Pan Envelopes. Show Clip Effect Envelopes. Show or hide individual automation parameters. The Rack Power option lets you turn a clip's Effects Rack on and off over time. Disable clip keyframe editing. To avoid inadvertently creating or moving keyframes, disable keyframe editing.

Automating track settings. Create track envelopes. Track envelopes let you precisely change track settings at specific points in time. From the Show Envelopes menu, select a parameter to automate. On the envelope line, click and drag to add and adjust keyframes.

Record track automation. In the Main panel, position the current-time indicator where you want to start recording automation. Choose an option from the Track Automation Mode menu. To start recording automation, start playback. As audio plays, adjust track or effect settings in the Editor, Mixer, or Effects Rack panels.

To stop recording automation, stop playback. Track Automation Mode options. In the Editor panel or Mixer, you can choose one of the following modes for each track:. Protect settings when recording automation.

At the left of the Editor panel, navigate to the specific track's controls. From the Show Envelopes menu, choose the parameter. Optimize recorded automation keyframes.

Removes any keyframes that represent static, unchanging parameter settings. Adjust automation with keyframes. Add a keyframe. Do either of the following:.

Navigate between track keyframes. Select multiple keyframes for a parameter. Right-click any keyframe, and choose Select All Keyframes. Hold down Shift, and click to select a series of keyframes. Reposition keyframes or the envelope line.



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